Monday, November 10, 2008

Aids Campaign

Aids Campaign is around the corner... My sch teams is rushing the props like dog.... creating all kinda of funny looking stuff using various stuff tt is so weird and hard to be made....

Wednesday is the big day... My group of 5 including me.... Task is simple... Being a crowd control security guard.... Which is simple we'll be in-charge of the games department.... because their doing a fucking huge board game (snake & ladder type) at the fucking parade square of Bedok ITE !! You guys can go ITE website and have a look the scene of the parade sqaure .... how big it is....
Till Wednesday....

Edited: This is the photo, we're making the giant board game this is a backup board in the hall.... If the parade square rains....

Confuse by the lines ?! look at the red and white lines...