Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Happy Bdae... To ME!!!!

Cant get to blog much this few days.....Cause my mom lock her computer
she scare the internet bill goes up..... Cuz i use alot -_-
Ok.... starting to blog now dun waste time liao....

Ok letz start with 2 days ago.... My Fwenz & I at 23 Oct when to watch a movie.... the movie name is Death Note! Why they so good nah ? Cuz my Bdae ma...... 23 October ^^
There this is the movie ticket....
(picture abit blur cuz i use my hp camera take)

After the movie i actually though of going to have a dinner with my family in a resturant it is call "Jack Place" which we when to there for most of our birthday occasions..... as a celebrate....

eat until so shiok !!! ^^
Btw.... Why nobody say the 2 word to me de ?
Happy Birthday.... On tt day...... Haiz..........