First ICT & Year 3 Start
First ICT of my reservist life, didnt manage to find the time to post this few weeks back. Great to meet up and joke and laugh about all the old times and suffering we been through during our 1 year 10 months national service. It was like a annual meet up with all of them and being to train and work together again with them. It wasnt as tough but not training like how we used to be, it was a huge jump from being a soldier that trains every single week 5 days a week till 1 full year never train. Hahaha...
After ICT ended, took a short 1 week break and packing and washing of my army/reservist stuff and when back to school immediately. What a way to end my holiday "i know right" this year is getting harder and tough as tougher modules and subjects starts to kick in compared to last year modules are year 1 and 2 modules which gave some of us Poly students an advantage compared to the JCs student cause the module or assignment that required us to do or submit, we have or already done before in the past.
Right now during this semester, we are doing what we have been doing all the while just that we have taken the thinking level a little much higher compared to year 2. Come on right ? Level 2 to level 3 confirm got different ma... But seriously when i entered NUS year 2, i didnt expect university is harder than i thought... Now is saying year 3 i didnt expect to be harder than i thought... Maybe i should just keep my thoughts to myself and say that all the years or semester will gonna be really rough as hell so when the times comes it might be another way round from what im experiencing now.... Lol... Like "Eh how come easier than i though ? Thought it will be bloody tough"
After ICT ended, took a short 1 week break and packing and washing of my army/reservist stuff and when back to school immediately. What a way to end my holiday "i know right" this year is getting harder and tough as tougher modules and subjects starts to kick in compared to last year modules are year 1 and 2 modules which gave some of us Poly students an advantage compared to the JCs student cause the module or assignment that required us to do or submit, we have or already done before in the past.
Right now during this semester, we are doing what we have been doing all the while just that we have taken the thinking level a little much higher compared to year 2. Come on right ? Level 2 to level 3 confirm got different ma... But seriously when i entered NUS year 2, i didnt expect university is harder than i thought... Now is saying year 3 i didnt expect to be harder than i thought... Maybe i should just keep my thoughts to myself and say that all the years or semester will gonna be really rough as hell so when the times comes it might be another way round from what im experiencing now.... Lol... Like "Eh how come easier than i though ? Thought it will be bloody tough"